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Multi-points Multigas Calibrator with GPT, Ozone & Self Re-generable Zero Air Generator

The multigas Sonimix 6000 C2 calibrator is designed to calibrate manually or by remote control up to 6 monitors installed in an air pollution monitoring station, for parameters such as SO2, HC, BTX, CO, NOx and O3.

The Sonimix 6000 C2 includes Mass Flow Controllers, GPT, ozone and self re-generable zero air generator and is equipped with

  • an inlet for high concentration mixtures of diluted gases such as NO, NO2, SO2, CO, HC, BTX or mixtures of several compatible pollutants in the same cylinder.

  • a zero air generator composed of an internal compressor with self re-generable filters, removes following components: moisture, O3, NOx, SO2, HC, BTX and optionally CO and CH4.

  • a binary gas dilutor of two inlets (diluted gas and air), including 2 Mass Flow Controllers to generate the zero and other dilutions ratios going from 1/100 to 1/1000 (other values upon request).

The input pressures are monitored by two pressure switches. The ozone generator is regulated by UV-light feedback and is compensated from the atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature variations. It includes alarm on the UV power drift as well as the circuits for the Gas Phase Titration (GPT).

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